Hey everyone! I am back with another post! It’s been a long time, but I’ve read all of your DMs, comments, and text messages and they’ve made me smile!
As you probably noticed I took some time away from social media. Everything was going really great with my blog and a lot of new opportunities were coming my way, but I really felt God telling me to be still and wait on Him. I’m a go-getter and I can’t stand sitting still. I enjoy working hard in a fast-paced, and never being bored. It makes me feel productive, but this also revealed a lot to me. To make a long story short, I took a few months off of social media, deleted the apps and all. I really got to focus on my focus and change the direction of how I want to do things in this industry. This time also gave me a whole new perspective on life, helped me learn discipline, obedience, awareness and how to wait on the Lord to tell me when to move.
I may have taken a break from social media, but I obviously didn’t break up with fashion. I continued styling, working on my graduating fashion collection and studying conceptual design, which I am still doing ‘till this day. (School is no joke right now so if I don’t post as often, just know my priorities are in line.) I will most definitely take more digital detoxes. I really think everyone should, no matter who you are or how old you are!
I didn’t get too in-depth on how the past few months went, but please feel free to leave a comment or shoot me a DM if you’re thinking about taking a digital break and want to know how I went about mine. It can be tough, especially if you’re a content creator, so I’m here to help!